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  • What Is Counter Height Vs Bar Height?
    What Is Counter Height Vs Bar Height?
    ''Counter and bar height'' refers to different seating styles that serve different purposes. Below we take a deep dive into the world of counter height vs. bar height to help you make the right choice.
    Sep 14,2023
  • How To Install Kitchen Cabinet Handles - A Step-by-Step Guide
    How To Install Kitchen Cabinet Handles - A Step-by-Step Guide
    Learning how to install kitchen cabinet handles is a chic and affordable way, and the experts at WEKIS have compiled the following top tips for installing cabinet handles to help you get them right.
    Aug 11,2023
  • How to Install and Design Floating Shelves?
    How to Install and Design Floating Shelves?
    Floating shelves can provide extra storage space in your house, so how to install and design floating shelves? The following article will tell you more about installing and designing floating shelves.
    Jul 5,2023
  • How to Buy a Barn Door and 9 Mistakes to Avoid?
    How to Buy a Barn Door and 9 Mistakes to Avoid?
    Installing barn doors and sliding hardware yourself can seem daunting. Below is a list of common mistakes to avoid when buying a barn door to help you install and maintain your barn door better.
    May 15,2023
  • How Does Door Weight Affect Barn Door Hardware Selection?
    How Does Door Weight Affect Barn Door Hardware Selection?
    Choosing the proper hardware based on the weight of your barn door is critical. This article will discuss how to choose hardware according to the weight of the door to help you choose them better.
    Apr 18,2023
  • How to Choose a Hardware Handles?
    How to Choose a Hardware Handles?
    Hardware handles are indispensable and important accessories in the fields of home furnishing and construction, so how to choose hardware handles? Read on to learn more.
    Mar 31,2023